Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Little Too Early For Me

And what is she talking about, you ask? Well, I ma tell you. A week ago (November 1) I was in The Dollar Store to pick up some candles (I burn them every day) and I almost ran out of the store screaming "Nooooooo" when I heard Anita Baker singing a Christmas song! Halloween wasn't even cold yet and here I am inundated with Christmas songs, decorations and trees! Yes, I saw a Christmas tree the other day. I tell ya, it's too soon. I'm old school, and back in the day Christmas didn't begin to rear her head until the week of Thanksgiving. And only after the bird was carved were Christmas ditties played on the radio and on the tele.

This Christmas is going to be a bit bittersweet for me as it will be the one year anniversary of my "event." I'm already beginning to feel a bit melancholy. Frankly, I'm still in awe at the awesomeness of God's power and His sparing me. There are parts of my head that are still tender to the touch after having being sawed open and put back together with staples. It's a trip, y'all. Just please be grateful for each day and know that the next day (or minute) is not promised.

Eat life and love laughter.
Peace and hair grease.
BTW, pick up my book "Chocolate Lemons and Peppermint Tears: The Bittersweet Life of Xena" if you haven't had a chance. It will be a good and fast read over the Christmas holidays.

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